
  1. dialogical: art over time, a series

    2023-12-22 23:47:00 UTC
    Over the course of this series, we will explore the intriguing concept of dialogical art, tracing its roots from literary theorist Mikhail Bakhtin, who asserted that every work of art can be perceived as a dialogue - a dynamic exchange of varied perspectives, interpretations, and meanings. We will explore the…

  2. neuroarts: exploring the creative mind, a series

    2023-12-07 03:38:25 UTC
    We are engaging with the world around us and within us, making sense of our experiences, and uncovering new ideas. This lifelong process of discovery and creation, driven by the brain’s innate ability to engage in creative thought, is a unifying experience. But did you know that the creative process…

  3. WHAT MAKES US SEEM SO QUEER? by Nicholas Demers

    2022-06-05 21:34:00 UTC
    A tender, moving chapter of artist Nicholas Demers’ work is available to view during all of June, 2022 at THIS Gallery. Viewing this exhibition feels like coming home to the friend I knew and loved while we were 5 years old. Some of my favourite memories of Nicky are from…

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